Accession in December 2024

More will appear in December!

Pre-orders are also available.We hope you will order as soon as possible if you wish, as numbers are limited.

¥ 5,000


¥ 5,000


¥ 5,000


¥ 5,000


¥ 5,000


¥ 5,000


¥ 5,000


¥ 5,000

Character name:Kitagawa Marin Title:My Dress-Up Darling Prize series:T-most Maker:Taito Type:1 Size:29cm Source:


How to unzip a zip file in the server.

Assume the file you want to unzip is ‘’. 1. 1:Upload the zip file you want to unzip.2. 2:Creating and uploading unzip.php.3. 2:Access unzip.php.4. 3:Deployment of zip.5. 4:Finish. 1:Upload the zip file you want to unzip. Upload the zip file...

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Code Web Without Plugin Wordpress

Without plugins!Copy and paste, 3 minutes, super easy!How to implement dark mode.WordPress

Implement dark mode in WordPress.No plugin is required. 1. 1.JavaScript description.2. 2.Css description.3. 3.HTML description. 1.JavaScript description. Put the following js code in the header. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { const toggleButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.toggle-mode'); toggleButtons.forEach(function(button) { button.addEventListener('click', function() { const currentMode =...

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Astrophytum asterias.

It is one of the cacti with the greatest number of persistent enthusiasts. Astrophytum asterias is particularly popular because of the large number of varieties and the ease of both hybridisation and seed production. The lack of thorns is considered...

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Code Web Without Plugin Wordpress

Without plugins!How to display a blog card with internal and external link support.|WordPress

Learn how to display blog cards in WordPress without using a plugin. Plug-in non-use has various advantages, such as reducing server load and maintaining site display speed. WordPress has a large variety of plugins, but you want to customise it...

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Code Speed Web Without Plugin Wordpress

Without Plugin!No plug-ins! How to implement a table of contents.|WordPress

Learn how to implement a table of contents in WordPress without using a plugin. This method does not use JQuery and is also the implementation method introduced on this website. It takes less time and man-hours, if you like. The...

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Arrival Shop

Accession in December 2024

More will appear in December! Pre-orders are also available.We hope you will order as soon as possible if you wish, as numbers are limited.

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Code Web Without Plugin Wordpress

Without plugins!How to implement SEO features.|WordPress

Learn how to introduce policy features in WordPress without using a plugin. Plug-in non-use has various advantages, such as reducing server load and maintaining site display speed. There are many diverse plugins for WordPress, and for SEO, there are excellent...

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Plugin Security Web Wordpress

Change Table Prefix plugin for changing WordPress database prefixes (prefixes).

If you want to enhance the security of WordPress, you need to change the database table prefixes. If you want to make simple and quick changes after installation, this plugin is the one to choose. Change Table Prefix Light, fast...

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Post-airing popularity ranking of spring 2024 animations.

1. 【10th place】A salad bowl of eccentrics2. 【9th place】Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night3. 【8th place】The Fable4. 【7th place】Oblivion Battery5. 【6th place】Konosuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World!36. 【5th place】Shuumatsu Train Doko He Iku?7. 【4th place】GIRLS BAND CRY8. 【3rd place】Mushoku...

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Code Web Without Plugin

CSS when long links overhang.You can also take measures on your mobile phone!

When viewed on a smartphone, long links may protrude horizontally.If this is the case, the following styles can be used to deal with the situation. a{word-break: break-all;}

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