How to optimise page speed in WordPress.WordPress

If a web page does not load within the first two seconds, 55% of mobile users will leave that web page.

Furthermore, around 70% of consumers in online stores report that page display speed is linked to their willingness to purchase a product.

Page speed is also a direct ranking factor.

Loading times affect the search rankings of web pages on search engine results pages (SERPs).

This means that a slow website has a lot to lose in terms of visitors, customers and SERP rankings.

However, solving the problem is not that difficult.

1.Image optimisation.

Large image files are one of the common causes of slow websites.

They take up a lot of space and the larger the size, the more information the website has to load.

One of the first things you can do is crop and resize the image, rather than using the “width” parameter.

This is because when the “width” parameter is used, the website loads the entire image before adjusting it to the correct size.

Compressing images before uploading them to a website can also be effective.

The following image compression tools are recommended.

Plug-ins such as Smush can also be used to compress images together and enable delayed loading.

This is particularly useful for image-intensive websites.

2.Uninstall unwanted plug-ins.

Be sure to remove any unnecessary plug-ins.

While it may be tempting to use plug-ins of all kinds, they add considerable load to a website and slow down the loading speed.

In addition, this increases the backup size and places an unnecessary load on the server during the generation of the backup files.

It goes without saying that the more plug-ins there are, the more difficult it becomes to update and maintain them.

3.Compressing CSS, JS and HTML files.

File compression reduces code and mark-up in script files or web pages.

For example, when writing code, you may add line breaks, comments or whitespace to make it easier to read.

The problem is that browsers do not need these elements to execute code.

In fact, unnecessary code is added to the file, which ultimately slows down the loading speed of the website.

The purpose of compression is to improve performance by eliminating redundant characters in the code.

Variables can also be renamed to further reduce code.

Online tools such as CSSMinifier and WordPress plugins such as Autoptimize can be used to shrink code.

You can compress the code manually, but you will be dealing with a large amount of code, and there is a possibility of making a mistake somewhere along the line.

This method is effective when combined with other page speed optimisation methods, as it is designed to narrow down unnecessary code to the very end.

4.Switching hosting providers.

Hosting providers may reduce website performance.

As a website grows, more resources may be required from the provider’s server and it may not be able to meet the requirements.

Nevertheless, choosing the right hosting provider depends on the type of hosting that suits your needs.

There are three main types of hosting.

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is the cheapest option and is suitable for new websites.

Resources such as RAM, CPU and disk space are shared with other websites hosted on the same server.

The main drawback is that traffic spikes from other websites can directly affect the performance of their own site.

This is because all sites in the server have access to the same resource pool.


VPSs work in the same way as shared hosting providers.

However, there is a dedicated part of that resource.Therefore, other websites do not affect its performance.

VPS providers strike a good balance between reliability and price.

Dedicated Hosting

Finally, dedicated hosting is the best option for websites that generate high volumes of traffic.

There is no need to share server resources with anyone else.

Thus, you will always experience the best performance.

5.Using content delivery networks.

A content delivery network (CDN) is a network of servers scattered around the world.

Using a CDN, copies of a website’s files are distributed across all connected servers, significantly increasing loading speeds.

For example, if your website is hosted in the USA and a Japanese user wants to access it, the browser will retrieve information from the server closest to the user, rather than from the main server.

As a result, the user does not have to wait until the information has moved to the other side of the globe, resulting in better site performance.

Furthermore, distributing multiple copies of the site’s files across different locations ensures that the main server is not overloaded with user requests during traffic spikes and guarantees consistent performance.


Website performance should always be at its best.

Otherwise, they risk losing visitors, plus their SERP ranking.

If you are running your own website, please consider using the above methods.


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