Without Plugin!Easy copy and paste. how to add a site name shortcode to WordPress.

It is very time-consuming to rewrite site names when producing multiple sites.

As a way of preventing this from happening, it is recommended to set up a system to call the name of the site by a shortcode.

Write the following code in the ‘functions.php’ file.

add_shortcode( 'sitename', function() { return get_bloginfo(); } );

Enter the shortcode below to insert the site name into content anywhere the shortcode is processed, such as any post page or fixed page.


Now, no matter how many times you update the site title in [Settings] -> [General], the content will always refer to the current name.

Code Speed Web Without Plugin Wordpress

Without plugins!How to use syntax highlighting Prism.js.|WordPress

In this article, we will show you how to implement syntax highlighting in WordPress without using a plugin. Syntax highlighting is often used to display source code on websites and blog sites. This website has adopted “Prism.js” after various trials....

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News NGO

Non-governmental organization established.「DAIKICI NGO」

Today, the non-governmental organisation “DAIKICI NGO” was established. The aim is to grow and advance humanity while working to solve problems across the globe, whether local, national or international. There are many problems and challenges, but we want to work...

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Code Speed Web Wordpress

Without plugins!Contact Form 7 How to load js and css only on specified pages.|WordPress

Learn how to make ContactForm7 js and css load only on specified pages in WordPress without using a plugin. Normally, when ContactForm7 is installed, js and css are loaded on every page, which slows down the display speed, but this...

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Plant Raise

The key points are sun, wind, water and soil! How to grow succulents.

Succulents are very easy to grow compared to other plants. There are four simple points. Maintain in a sunny location. Maintain in a well-ventilated area. Water when the soil is dry. Plant in well-drained soil. As long as the above...

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Agave victoriae-reginae ‘Sasanoyuki’

1. Basic Information.1.1. Scientific name1.2. Family name1.3. Genus name1.4. Species name1.5. Country of origin1.6. Habitat1.7. Morphology1.8. Mature tree1.9. Cold hardy1.10. Heat tolerant1.11. Sunshine1.12. Flour color1.13. Flowering period Basic Information. Scientific name Agave victoria-regina Family name Asparagaceae Genus name Agave Species...

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Code Web Without Plugin Wordpress

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Implement dark mode in WordPress.No plugin is required. 1. 1.JavaScript description.2. 2.Css description.3. 3.HTML description. 1.JavaScript description. Put the following js code in the header. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { const toggleButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.toggle-mode'); toggleButtons.forEach(function(button) { button.addEventListener('click', function() { const currentMode =...

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I want to assign ‘parent’ and ‘child’ to attributes in Woocommerce!How to enable without plug-ins.

Have you ever wished you could create ‘parents’ and ‘children’ for Woocommerce ‘attributes’, like categories? This function used to exist but has disappeared after version upgrades. To make it available in the current version, please add the following code to...

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Accession in December 2024

More will appear in December! Pre-orders are also available.We hope you will order as soon as possible if you wish, as numbers are limited.

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How to make all pages permanently SSL.WordPress

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Code Web Without Plugin Woocommerce Wordpress

Without Plugin!How to display just any item on the Woocommerce My Account page.

The items on the Woocommerce My Account page vary depending on the products handled and the site they are on. For example, if you want to hide the ‘Dashboard’ and ‘Downloads’ items, you can achieve this by doing the following....

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