Copiapoa cinerea is known as the ‘white cactus’ and is arguably the most popular cactus in Japan.
Individuals with particularly white skin and pitch-black spines fetch high prices.
Below are synonyms for the name Copiapoa cinerea Copiapoa cinerea.
Copiapoa cinerea var. cinerea
Copiapoa cinerea var. tenebrosa
Copiapoa tenebrosa
Echinocactus cinereus
The name Copiapoa is derived from the city of Copiapo in the Atacama region of Chile.
The species name ‘cinerea’, meaning ‘ash-like’, is derived from the waxy white layer that appears ashy.
Copiapoa cinerea is native to northern Chile, particularly the Chañaral and Antofagasta regions.
Its habitat is in very dry, almost rainless coastal areas.
Fog occurs here in the early morning, lasts until midnight and reappears in the late afternoon.Temperatures are moderate, but sunlight is very intense and UV radiation is abundant.
Copiapoa cinerea is a rare cactus, very popular because of the waxy, white surface of its trunk.
A highly variable species, with many synonyms and various variants.
Waxy skin is essentially an evolutionary device to protect plants from intense UV radiation and minimise water loss through evapotranspiration.
The typical wool at the top of the trunk also has the same function.
Copiapoa cinerea is spherical or cylindrical with an isolated trunk that slowly offsets with age.
It reaches a height of 1.2 m and a diameter of 10-20 cm.
As already mentioned, the white surface of the trunk is due to the thick waxy layer.
This has the function of minimising water loss through evapotranspiration and protecting the trunk from UV radiation.
Waxy skin is not normally present in cultivated individuals, as it is only produced when individuals are exposed to UV radiation.
However, it may form if individuals are grown in a greenhouse.
The trunk has 12 to 30 broad ribs with a bumpy apex and a few nodules.
Spines grow into nodules.
They are arranged in one or two long central black spines and up to seven radial spines, but in most cases no radial spines are present.
Flowering begins during the summer months.
However, Copiapoa cinerea requires sufficient direct sunlight to flower.
It also takes several years (6-10 years) to flower.
Flowers 2-3 cm in diameter, yellow, pink or reddish depending on the variety, with bare cotyledons that bud densely at the top of the stem.
Copiapoa cinerea is slow growing but not difficult to grow.Below are some tips on growing it.
Place in a bright, sunlit area.
It is recommended that the plant is placed in direct sunlight to promote flowering and give the stems a darker bronze colour.
Growing conditions are such that Copiapoa cinerea does not usually develop the typical waxy layer, but develops a brownish-bronze colour enhanced by strong light.
It can withstand short periods of frost (0°C) if kept completely dry.However, it is strongly recommended to keep the plant above 10°C in winter.
Water regularly during the growing season, i.e. spring and summer, and wait for the soil to dry completely before all irrigation.Allow it to dry out completely in winter.
Choose a well-drained soil.
Standard cactus culture medium is sufficient.
Once a year, use a succulent-specific soil that is high in potassium and phosphorus and low in nitrogen.
Replant annually.
Way of increasing
Copiapoa cinerea is usually propagated from seed or grafted onto a stronger cactus.
Grafted seeds are usually more resistant and grow faster.
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Copiapoa cinerea var. cinerea
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