How to live longer.

Don’t Cigarette.

There are several best ways to live longer, but if asked to choose just one, ‘don’t smoke’, say researchers.

Cigarettes do a hundred harms and no good.

Smoking affects the coronary arteries and lungs, and smokers are also at increased risk of cancer and stroke.

Carbon monoxide, nicotine and tar emitted from cigarettes are both carcinogens and cause disease.

Cigarette smoking also puts a strain on the lungs and heart.In addition, it consumes large amounts of vitamins, which can lead to poor skin condition, wrinkles and spots.

Cigarette is a form of addiction, which means that not being able to stop is a disease.
It is therefore unlikely that someone who has smoked cigarettes for many years will be able to stop on their own volition alone.

After all, the best way to quit smoking is to stop smoking with the help of medical treatment, such as smoking cessation outpatient clinics.

Quitting smoking is the secret to a long life.

Moderate exercise.

Moderate exercise can reduce the risk of many diseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer and body aches.

The recommended exercise is aerobic exercise, which is a degree of exercise that feels easy.

Walking as an easy exercise, aiming for 30 to 60 minutes a day, at least three times a week.

As it burns fat, it can be effective in reducing body fat and high blood pressure.

People who live longer have more muscle mass, and a study found that elderly people who exercised for an hour twice a week increased their muscle mass by 5.5% in one year.

Nutritious and balanced diet.

It is important that the diet is nutritionally balanced.

Our life is sustained by nutrients from the food we take in through our mouths.

It is fair to say that the secret of a long life and nutrition go hand in hand.

Overeating can lead to obesity.

And they are prone to excessive salt and fat intake, which increases the risk of various lifestyle-related diseases.

People with a poor diet tend to be undernourished, which increases the risk of bone loss and frailty.

Specific types of nutritional balance include (1) meat, (2) seafood, (3) eggs, (4) soya products, (5) dairy products, (6) green and yellow vegetables, (7) seaweed, (8) potatoes, (9) fruit and (10) oil.

In particular, it is advisable to eat more vegetables and fruit and less salt.

Maintaining a healthy weight.

The healthiest people in the study maintained a body mass index (BMI), or height-to-weight ratio, which measures body weight, below 25.

To find out your BMI, try using the free BMI calculator.

Good quality sleep.

Good sleep stimulates the secretion of growth hormones, which help repair damage during the day.

In addition, the following sleep disorders can make cell repair more difficult.

Shallow physical sleep, short sleep duration, frequent awakenings during the night.

Lack of good sleep is said to increase susceptibility to obesity, diabetes, myocardial infarction and angina pectoris.

Above all, it can affect daytime activities because of the inability to get rid of fatigue.

The ideal amount of sleep is six hours or more, and seven hours or more is recommended as the secret to a long life.

To get a good night’s sleep, the body should be tired through moderate exercise.

Before going to bed, it is advisable to do some stretching to improve blood flow.

Avoid stress.

When people are under excessive stress for long periods of time, they become weak both physically and mentally.

Continued stress can lead to reduced health, sensory loss, cognitive decline and reduced behaviour.

A life of zero stress is not realistic, but there are ways to combat stress.

To combat stress, try to think positively, not worrying about trivial things or fantasising about the worse.

To do this, you need to have a lot of interaction with people.

Social connections!

Talking to others may relieve stress and change ideas that have become fixed.

If you live alone, you can actively participate in local events and clubs.

Enjoying social interaction with others helps to relieve stress.

It is also important to have a “joie de vivre.”

It can prevent stroke, Alzheimer’s and dementia.


There are many requirements for a long life, but simple tips for a long life are: proper diet, exercise, sleep, stress reduction and no smoking.

All of these are things you can start doing today.

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