The key points are sun, wind, water and soil! How to grow succulents.

Succulents are very easy to grow compared to other plants.

There are four simple points.

  1. Maintain in a sunny location.
  2. Maintain in a well-ventilated area.
  3. Water when the soil is dry.
  4. Plant in well-drained soil.

As long as the above four points are kept in mind, they generally grow well.

Water should be given when the soil is dry.

Incidentally, many of the native habitats of succulents are arid.

It is more stressful for plants to be planted in poorly drained soil than to run out of water, which can lead to steaming and root rot.

1-4 are listed in order of priority.

Note that if any one of these is missing, the plant will become overgrown or die.

However, some varieties are sometimes irregular or dormant at certain times of the year, so please check how to grow them using search engines, etc., taking the above points into account.

In addition, it is advisable to research the plant’s origin, native habitat, etc., to understand the type of environment it prefers, and to manage it as close to that environment as possible to make the plant happy.

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