If you want to enhance the security of WordPress, you need to change the database table prefixes.
If you want to make simple and quick changes after installation, this plugin is the one to choose.
Change Table Prefix
Light, fast and intuitive.
Be sure to change “$table_prefix = ‘○○○○○○○○’;” in the “wp-config.php” file after the change.
What is a cactus. Origin and characteristics of ‘Cactos’ [1].
The word ‘Cactus’ derives from the Greek word ‘Kàktos’. The term was used by Theophrastus in his book HistoriaPlantarum to describe ‘unknown thorny plants’. The term ‘Cactus’ was subsequently adopted by the renowned botanist Linneo to define the American thorny...
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How to save rewriting links.WordPress
If you are building multiple WordPress sites, you face the problem of having to ‘rewrite URLs’ when duplicating them. The following code is recommended to solve this problem before it happens. Please describe it in the theme’s ‘functions.php’ file. /*...
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Copiapoa cinerea var. cinerea
Copiapoa cinerea is known as the ‘white cactus’ and is arguably the most popular cactus in Japan. Individuals with particularly white skin and pitch-black spines fetch high prices. 1. Synonym2. Origin3. Habitat4. Description5. Farming6. Way of increasing Synonym Below are...
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Non-governmental organization established.「DAIKICI NGO」
Today, the non-governmental organisation “DAIKICI NGO” was established. The aim is to grow and advance humanity while working to solve problems across the globe, whether local, national or international. There are many problems and challenges, but we want to work...
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What is Gymnocalycium vatteri?
Gymnocalycium vatteri is a cactus of the genus Gymnocalycium. Native to Argentina-Uruguay in South America, it is rich in varieties and delights horticultural enthusiasts. All of these are seedlings with a tangle of local globe seedlings. It was kept in...
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Without Plugin!No plug-ins! How to implement a table of contents.|WordPress
Learn how to implement a table of contents in WordPress without using a plugin. This method does not use JQuery and is also the implementation method introduced on this website. It takes less time and man-hours, if you like. The...
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How to hide information in php.ini.WordPress
Hiding php.ini information improves site security. You are encouraged to refer to this information to maintain your website. 1. Description in the ‘php.ini’ file.2. In “.htaccess” files. Description in the ‘php.ini’ file. display_errors = off In “.htaccess” files. <Files php.ini>...
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Does CDN delivery with Cloudflare reduce AdSense revenue?Various setting methods.
1. The impact of Adsense.2. The cause is that individual IPs are indistinguishable through Cloudflare (they are all the same IP through Cloudflare).3. How to make Nginx recognise individual IPs differentially.4. How to make apache recognise individual IPs separately. The...
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Without plugins!Copy and paste, 3 minutes, super easy!How to implement dark mode.WordPress
Implement dark mode in WordPress.No plugin is required. 1. 1.JavaScript description.2. 2.Css description.3. 3.HTML description. 1.JavaScript description. Put the following js code in the header. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { const toggleButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.toggle-mode'); toggleButtons.forEach(function(button) { button.addEventListener('click', function() { const currentMode =...
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Obregonia denegrii.
One genus and one species of cactus, so majestic and dignified is its appearance that it is known as the ‘TEIKAN’. This is a very rare cactus and one of the most popular cacti, partly because of its beautiful rosette...
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