Assume the file you want to unzip is ‘’.
1:Upload the zip file you want to unzip.
Upload the zip file ‘’ to the directory where you want to unzip it.
2:Creating and uploading unzip.php.
Create the following php file and upload it to the same directory as 1 above.
2:Access unzip.php.
Access the following url in your browser.
※Please replace the “” with the url of your own website.
3:Deployment of zip.
When the ‘Input Zip file name:’ input field appears, enter the name of the zip file you want to extract, ‘’, and click the ‘Extract’ button.
「OK–unzip success」is displayed and the process is complete.
Aztekium ritteri
1. Habitat2. Description3. Farming Habitat Usually grows on vertical limestone cliffs. It is endemic to two remote small areas in the Nuevo León region of north-eastern Mexico. It is endangered in its habitat due to illegal collection and natural erosion...
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Obregonia denegrii.
One genus and one species of cactus, so majestic and dignified is its appearance that it is known as the ‘TEIKAN’. This is a very rare cactus and one of the most popular cacti, partly because of its beautiful rosette...
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How to unzip a zip file in the server.
Assume the file you want to unzip is ‘’. 1. 1:Upload the zip file you want to unzip.2. 2:Creating and uploading unzip.php.3. 2:Access unzip.php.4. 3:Deployment of zip.5. 4:Finish. 1:Upload the zip file you want to unzip. Upload the zip file...
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Without plugins!How to display a blog card with internal and external link support.|WordPress
Learn how to display blog cards in WordPress without using a plugin. Plug-in non-use has various advantages, such as reducing server load and maintaining site display speed. WordPress has a large variety of plugins, but you want to customise it...
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The one you write in wp-config.php for now.
define( 'WP_DEBUG', false ); ini_set('display_errors','Off'); define('ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS', true); define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '100000000000000000000M'); define( 'WPMS_ON', true );
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Change Table Prefix plugin for changing WordPress database prefixes (prefixes).
If you want to enhance the security of WordPress, you need to change the database table prefixes. If you want to make simple and quick changes after installation, this plugin is the one to choose. Change Table Prefix Light, fast...
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How to make YouTube embedding responsive while maintaining proportions with CSS.
Learn how to make YouTube embeds responsive while maintaining the ratio. 1. 1:Add div tag.2. 2:Add css.3. Finalise. 1:Add div tag. Add a div tag to enclose the iframe tag. <div class="yt"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer;...
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The sinking of Japan is real! Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama and Ibaraki are mostly sinking (Chiba becoming an island). Sapporo, Sendai, Nagoya, Osaka, Okinawa, etc. are also expected to sink. Antarctic ice (fresh water) will melt due to warming and boiling. Emigrate and move capital cities as soon as possible.
The world is now moving past ‘warming’ and into ‘boiling’. It is said that if the freshwater Antarctic ice melts away, sea level would rise by about 60 metres (the height of a 20-storey building), and simulations show that most...
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The key points are sun, wind, water and soil! How to grow succulents.
Succulents are very easy to grow compared to other plants. There are four simple points. Maintain in a sunny location. Maintain in a well-ventilated area. Water when the soil is dry. Plant in well-drained soil. As long as the above...
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Without Plugin!How to LazyLoad Google Adsense to speed up display speed.
Loading Google Adsense significantly reduces page display speed. The following methods will improve the expectation of problem resolution and should be tried. 1. Remove Script tag in Google Adsense code.2. Install code for LazyLoad. Remove Script tag in Google Adsense...
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