Agave victoriae-reginae ‘Sasanoyuki’

Basic Information.

Scientific name

Agave victoria-regina

Family name


Genus name


Species name


Country of origin



Arizona, USA



Mature tree


Cold hardy

9a: -6.7℃ (USDA Hardiness Zone 9a: -6.7℃ to -3.9°C)

Heat tolerant

11b: +10℃ (USDA Hardiness Zone 11b: +7.2℃ to +10°C)



Flour color

Light yellow

Flowering period

Takes more than 10 years to flower, and after flowering, fruiting and dying.



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Agave victoriae-reginae ‘Sasanoyuki’

1. Basic Information.1.1. Scientific name1.2. Family name1.3. Genus name1.4. Species name1.5. Country of origin1.6. Habitat1.7. Morphology1.8. Mature tree1.9. Cold hardy1.10. Heat tolerant1.11. Sunshine1.12. Flour color1.13. Flowering period Basic Information. Scientific name Agave victoria-regina Family name Asparagaceae Genus name Agave Species...

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