Non-governmental organization established.「DAIKICI NGO」

Today, the non-governmental organisation “DAIKICI NGO” was established.

The aim is to grow and advance humanity while working to solve problems across the globe, whether local, national or international.

There are many problems and challenges, but we want to work together to solve them and create a more innovative future together with you.

We would like to create a platform where we can realise what we have not been able to do so far, and we would like to thank you for your support.

Organisation Name



  1. Activities to promote health, medical care or welfare.
  2. Activities to promote social education.
  3. Activities to promote community development.
  4. Activities to promote tourism.
  5. Activities to promote rural or mountainous areas.
  6. Activities to promote academia, culture, arts or sports.
  7. Activities to protect the environment.
  8. Disaster Relief Activities.
  9. Geographic security activities.
  10. Activities to protect human rights or promote peace.
  11. International cooperation activities.
  12. Activities to promote the formation of a gender-equal society.
  13. Activities to promote the sound development of children.
  14. Activities to develop the information society.
  15. Activities to promote science and technology.
  16. Activities to stimulate economic activity.
  17. Activities to support the development of vocational skills or the expansion of employment opportunities.
  18. Activities to protect consumers.

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