Does CDN delivery with Cloudflare reduce AdSense revenue?Various setting methods.

The impact of Adsense.

They said that with the appropriate treatment, there would be no problem, and the appropriate treatment is to set mod_cloudflare settings.

The cause is that individual IPs are indistinguishable through Cloudflare (they are all the same IP through Cloudflare).

How to make Nginx recognise individual IPs differentially.

I use Nginx, so I configured it here.

Write the settings in the nginx configuration file.I created the following file, pasted the content here as is, and restarted it with nginx -s reload and it worked./etc/nginx/conf.d/my_proxy.conf

Check the nginx access log and if it is your global IP when you access the site top page yourself, you have succeeded.

For APACHE, please refer to the following.

How to make apache recognise individual IPs separately.

CDN Security Speed

DNS configuration with Cloudflare.Set up bombastic DNS for a more comfortable IT life.

DNS configuration with Cloudflare not only speeds up browser start-up, but also contributes to improved security. Please give it a try. 1. ​​ family oriented.2.1. ​​Blocks malware.2.2. ​​Blocks malware and adult content. is Cloudflare’s public DNS resolver.It...

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Speed Web Wordpress

How to optimise page speed in WordPress.WordPress

If a web page does not load within the first two seconds, 55% of mobile users will leave that web page. Furthermore, around 70% of consumers in online stores report that page display speed is linked to their willingness to...

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Code Web Without Plugin Wordpress

Without plugins!Copy and paste, 3 minutes, super easy!How to implement dark mode.WordPress

Implement dark mode in WordPress.No plugin is required. 1. 1.JavaScript description.2. 2.Css description.3. 3.HTML description. 1.JavaScript description. Put the following js code in the header. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { const toggleButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.toggle-mode'); toggleButtons.forEach(function(button) { button.addEventListener('click', function() { const currentMode =...

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Code Web Without Plugin Wordpress

Small fonts on WordPress backend post pages!How to change font size.

Are the fonts on WordPress back-end post pages too small? In such cases, this is. If you write all this down, you can customise the font size and other aspects of the posting page (text) as you wish. Please add...

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DAIKICI Sponsorship applications are now open!

We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for DAIKICI sponsorship. Sponsor We offer a variety of plans and special offers. The funds you support will help to realise a number of projects. We sincerely look forward...

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Plugin Security Web Wordpress

Change Table Prefix plugin for changing WordPress database prefixes (prefixes).

If you want to enhance the security of WordPress, you need to change the database table prefixes. If you want to make simple and quick changes after installation, this plugin is the one to choose. Change Table Prefix Light, fast...

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Code Web Without Plugin Youtube

How to make YouTube embedding responsive while maintaining proportions with CSS.

Learn how to make YouTube embeds responsive while maintaining the ratio. 1. 1:Add div tag.2. 2:Add css.3. Finalise. 1:Add div tag. Add a div tag to enclose the iframe tag. <div class="yt"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer;...

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Cool and easy to grow Gymnocalycium Origin, origin and how to grow.

Gymnocalycium is one of the most robust species to manage. It is a cool and varied species with a very good balance of both ornamental and collecting value. 1. Origin2. Habitat3. Features4. Type5. Farming Origin Derived from the Greek ‘gymnòs’...

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Code Speed Web Wordpress

How to score 100 on the Google Speed Test.How to create better web vitals with WordPress themes and plugins. ‘Checklist for developers’.

This post explains how to get a score of 100 on the google speed test. 1. 1.Files2. 2.Fonts and typography3. 3.CSS framework4. 4.Conditional asset loading4.1. Inline styles4.2. Inline scope4.3. Using transients to store conditions4.4. Checking by name for loading5. 5.Image...

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Code Web Without Plugin Wordpress

Without Plugin!Easy copy and paste. how to add a site name shortcode to WordPress.

It is very time-consuming to rewrite site names when producing multiple sites. As a way of preventing this from happening, it is recommended to set up a system to call the name of the site by a shortcode. Write the...

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